We are called to serve in many aspects of Parish life. One very important aspect is assisting with the Liturgy as an Extraordinary Minister of Communion, as a Lector or as an Usher.
The Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are lay men and women who are called on to assist our priest with reverent distribution of the Sacred Body and Precious Blood of Jesus to our parish community.
The Lector proclaims the word of God during Mass in the Liturgy of the Word.
The Usher serves the congregation during Mass by taking the collection during the Offertory, seating people in the Church, guiding people during Communion, monitoring the lighting during the services, handling individual situations, and distribution of church bulletins after Mass.
ALL ministers must have received the Sacraments of Initiation—Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation.
Whether you’re already a minister or if you’re interested in becoming one, please come to one of the training meetings to be held in the church on the following dates:
For additional information please contact the following Ministry Leaders:
Michelle Warner (512) 917-7487 Extraordinary Ministers of Communion
Rebecca McDonald (512) 925-3973 Lectors
Art Calderon (512) 788-2524 Ushers