DAY 1 - The Angels as our invisible companions
DAY 2 - The power and love of St. Michael the Archangel
DAY 3 - Angels, Divine Mercy and Saint Faustina
Fr. Peter Prusakiewicz, CSMA, of the Congregation of St. Michael the Archangel from Poland is an international speaker who served as the chaplain of of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy in Warsaw, where Saint Faustina started her religious life. For over twenty years, he has travelled to many countries proclaiming and explaining the Divine Mercy devotion and the holy angels.
Father Peter is Chief Editor of two magazines: "The Angels messengers from a loving God, a quarterly magazine in English on the subject of Angels, Archangels, Knighthood of St Michael the Archangel and Divine Mercy, and “Who is Like God” a bi-monthly magazine on Holy Angels printed in the Polish language dedicated solely to the subject of angels. It is perhaps the only magazine dedicated to the topic of the Holy Angels and the Divine Mercy from a Catholic perspective.